Hugo Storm

Hugo Storm, PhD
Junior Research Group Leader,
Niebuhrstraße 1a, 53115 Bonn, Germany
+49 228 73-60828
Scholar Citations
I am an Agricultural economist with a focus on applied econometrics and machine learning. I am interested in farm technology adoption processes and their effect on environmental and economic outcomes.
Academic Education
Doctorate degree in Agricultural Economics (Dr. agr.), University of Bonn
- Title: Methods of analysis and empirical evidence of farm structural change
- Summa cum laude
Completion of the Graduate School Programme of the Theodor-Brinkmann-Graduate School, University of Bonn
Visiting Scholar, NIBIO, Oslo, Norway
- Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Oslo, Norway
- Funded by a DAAD Project-related exchange stipend (PPP)
Visiting Scholar, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA
- Research stay at the School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA
Agricultural Science (specialisation in Agricultural Economics and Sociology), University of Bonn
- Degree: Dipl.-Ing. agr. (Agricultural Economist, Master equivalent)
- Thesis: Willingness to Pay for Irrigation Water in the Drâa Valley in Morocco – An Application of the Contingent Valuation Method and the MIVAD Model
University entrance diploma (Abitur), Kant-Gymnasium, Boppard
Work Experience
Junior Research Group Leader, Cluster of Excellence "PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production", University of Bonn, Germany
05/19 – 09/20
Senior Data Scientist, DPDHL Group, Bonn
Researcher (PostDoc) at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics, Eco-nomic and Agricultural Policy Group, University of Bonn, Germany
Researcher (PhD candidate) at the Institute for Food and Resource Econom-ics, Economic and Agricultural Policy Group, University of Bonn, Germany
Student Assistant, Institute for Food and Resource Economics, Agricultural and Food Market Research Group, University of Bonn
World Bank
- Project: Short term Consultant
- Topic: Application of Causal Machine learning approaches for analyzing water quality impacts.
EOPTI, Neunkirchen
- Project: Data science consulting
- Topic: Develop a machine learning prediction approach in a health care context.
EuroCARE Bonn GmbH
- Project Structural Changes in Agriculture, Rural Communities and Cultural Landscape. Funding agency: Institute for rural and regional research (RU-RALIS), Trondheim, Norway
- Topic: Analysing farm households on- and off-farm income in Norway.
EuroCARE Bonn GmbH
- Project: Modelling the effects of the CAP on farm structural change, Funding agency: JRC EU Commission – IPTS, Seville
- Topic: Development of an empirical estimation approach to analyse the ef-fects of policy on EU farm structural change, including design and implemen-tation of a training session at the IPTS.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Bonn.
- Project: Applied GAMS Training session to develop a Linear Optimization model for Agroforestry Systems in the Philippines
- Topic: Personalized training and joint development of a GAMS model to analyse re-sources use efficiency in Agroforestry Systems in the Philippines.
Practical Agriculture
Owner of a fruit farm in Kamp-Bornhofen, Germany (part time)
Internships Wharetoa Dairy Farm, Clydevale, Otago, New Zealand
Internships Agricultural Teaching and Research Station, Dikopshof, Wesseling, University of Bonn, Germany
Grants, Awards
- 10/09–09/10 PhD Grant from the Theodor-Brinkmann-Graduate School, University of Bonn
- Publication award from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn for the publication: Direct payments, spatial competition and farm survival in Norway (with K. Mittenzwei and T. Heckelei) American Journal of Agricultural Econom-ics 97(4):1192-1205
Additional Qualifications
- ○ Languages: German (native), English
- ○ Software Skills: Python (Keras/Tensorflow, sklearn, pandas, numpy, matplotlib), Matlab, GAUSS, GAMS, EViews, R, Stata, mySQL/PHP/jQuery