Elin Martinsson

photo of Elin Martinsson

Elin Martinsson, Msc

PhD student

Niebuhrstraße 1a, 53115 Bonn, Germany

Scholar Citations

I am a doctoral student in agricultural economics, conducting research on farm-level consequences of technology adoption. I am interested in exploring methods to provide holistic evaluations of consequences of technology adoption and have an interest in DEA eco-efficiency evaluations.

General Information

Full Name Elin Martinsson

Research Areas

  • I am a doctoral student in agricultural economics, conducting research on farm-level consequences of technology adoption. I am interested in exploring methods to provide holistic evaluations of consequences of technology adoption and have an interest in DEA eco-efficiency evaluations. Specifically, in my PhD project, I focus on the secondary and unintended effects of technology adoption and the impact on sustainability. Through my research, I want to provide a more nuanced and holistic understanding of what happens on farms when a new technology is adopted.

Academic Education

  • 09/18-06/20
    Masters degree in Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    • Degree: Master of Science (Economics)
    • Thesis: Eco-efficiency in Swedish dairy farms - incorporating sustainability into the measure of eco-efficiency
  • 09/16-06/18
    Bachelors degree in Economics, Stockholm University
    • Degree: Bachelor of Science

Work Experience

  • 11/20–NOW
    Doctoral student, Cluster of Excellence "PhenoRob - Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production", University of Bonn, Germany
  • 10/19–12/19
    Student assistant, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences


  • 08/20–10/20
    Internship - Forum for reforms (Fores), Stockholm
  • 08/17–01/18
    Internship - Swedish Society of Nature Conservations, Stockholm

Grants, Awards

  • Awards
    • Lantmännen agricultural scholarship for my Masterthesis

Additional Qualifications

  • ○ Languages: Swedish (native), English
  • ○ Software Skills: R, Stata